Saturday, 17 March 2012

Ranga/Pink Hair Club

I'm not always that keen on going to the hairdresser for multiple reasons-

1. I have curly hair. I'm always nervous im going to walk out with a mushroom shaped do- curls need to be cut a certain way.

2. I have brown hair. I can dye it at home and get the same results.

3. Sometimes you can get a hairdresser who wants to chat beyond normal paramaters and get all intimate about their lives and yours. Now im pretty open, but I dont need to hear about how your partner leaves his pubes everywhere (Yes, my last hairdresser told me this AT MY FIRST APPOINTMENT WITH HER. Lol)

A woman at work who I trust dearly always has beautiful hair. She is in her 60's, but her hair is funkier than any 20 something I know! Naturally I asked her for a reccomendation.

And so thats how I found myself on Saturday morning sitting in the salon chair, wondering what on Earth I was going to walk out looking like. (Please not the mushroom 'do, please not the mushroom do)

The hairdresser was amazing! I went from not knowing what I wanted done, to all of a sudden I hear myself spilling out that I am sick to death of having boring brown hair, and lets go something a bit out there.

She winks, and asks if I trust her. I say yes, trying to look confident but at the same time, wanting to shit a brick.

So, now I have pink hair.

I hate posting pics of myself. No- Im not one of those gorgeous women who are all, Oh I hate photos of myself! And the post a pic of them in a bikini. Lol.

I figure a hair post is useless without seeing the results- so heres my new 'do.

Oh hi, Ive just discovered my iPhone has an option to take self portraits. Wee!

Please excuse my skin- Ive been having some SERIOUS skin issues lately. Im contemplating Roaccutane.

And since I've posted one, you might as well see the rest. (In most photos my hair looks kinda burgandy, but I assure you the foils at my part are pure magenta!)

So there we have it, no more brown hair.


  1. Gorgeous hair! Love the colour. And you're a pretty lady :-D

  2. PLEASE!!! You are very very pretty!! And I love your hair! And your eyes!!


  3. PS. Just realised what your comments thing says! I DEMAND to see the fridge :D

  4. you are super pretty and I love the hair, really nice colour!

    1. Thanks MrsB! Looks like we are both new women, hey?

  5. Your hair is stunning, I'm in love with the colour <3

  6. love the hair! the colour looks awesome!! I want to see your fridge too lol I can imagine post-it notes all over your fridge with our comments lol

  7. Oooh, your hair is so pretty!

  8. I love it :-) Brings out your eyes really well. Nice to have something a little different as well :-)

  9. I love the hair! Your eyes are gorgeous too. And your skin looks great! Don't know what you're complaining about woman, you're very pretty! :)
